Join Us Live on Sundays @ 11:00am for Morning Worship
Join Us Live on Wednesdays @ 7:30pm for Bible Study
Meeting ID: 630 348 4855
Password: 1D89Wv
Instructions if Joining from a Laptop and/or PC:
1. Grab a pen or pencil and write down the following Meeting ID number and passcode
(you will need this to join the room):
Meeting ID: 630 348 4855
Passcode: 1D89Wv
2. Click the "Join Us Live" button below (you will be taken to Zoom's Join Meeting Screen)
3. When prompted, enter the Meeting ID number you jotted down in the first step
Meeting ID: 630 348 4855
4. Once, the Meeting ID number is entered select "Join"
(the join button should turn blue once the full Meeting ID number is entered, if a new window appears showing "Open Zoom Meetings" please select this option, it will appear after selecting "Join")
5. You will now, be prompted to "Enter Meeting Passcode", enter the passcode provided above (and below)
Passcode: 1D89Wv
6. You should now be taken into the meeting room, simply wait until you are admitted in, if you would like to make sure that your mic works, or check to see how you will appear on screen, simply select "Test Audio", on the left side of the screen select video to see how you will appear, adjust as needed (there are 3 options that allow you to mirror your image, enhance appearance, and adjust for low light, these are all convenient tools if you wish to use them). If you prefer to not be seen (for whatever reason), but would like to listen in, simply don't select "Start Video". As a courtesy, be sure to mute you mic upon entrance. If you wish to say a brief hello to everyone feel free to use the chat feature. We look forward to fellowshipping with you.
Instructions if joining from a Mobile/Cell phone:
1. Grab a pen or pencil and write down the following Meeting ID number and passcode (you will need this to join the room):
Meeting ID: 630 348 4855
Passcode: 1D89Wv
2. Download the Zoom Cloud Meetings App (this can be found in the App Store or Google Play Store, if still unsure simply Google, "zoom download", and follow the instructions for download)
3. When prompted enter both the Meeting ID and Passcode provided in the first step
4. Once complete, simply wait to be admitted. As a courtesy be sure to mute yourself upon entry. Let us know you're in the room by leaving a quick message in the chat. We look forward to fellowshipping with you.